Thursday, August 27, 2009

DO you have problems?

Many of us have problems. Many of us do not realize that our problems often come because we are not connected with/to God. When we are not connected to God we are prone to wonder off into areas that God has warned us about. Or, it may simply be that we are not doing the things God has told us to do.

What is your problem? What is at the root of your problem? Most likely it is linked to the fact that your are not connected to God in a personal way. That is, you are not in daily fellowship with Him and therefore, you are unaware of what He has instructed you to do and what you are not to do. If I may be so crass, God's ways are like all other natural laws. There are clearly defined cause and effect results. If I jump off the bridge, I will fall into the river because gravity is a natural law. If I steal from a store, I will be guilty of stealing and will most likely experience the consequence of it - getting arrested.

Are you connected with God today? What has He been warning you about? What has he been asking you to do? IF we are not willing to pick up and put down what God tells us to, then there will be consequences in our lives, often negative ones.

So if you have problems, stop and see if you have been connected with God! If NOT, get connected today!